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The 2023 Early Childhood Policy Progress and Landscape Report is here!

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The 2023 Early Childhood Policy Progress and Landscape Report is here!

December 15, 2023

Though there is still a long way to go, you’ll see that advocates worked with policymakers to face the end of federal pandemic relief head on with state measures and investments—from continuous coverage for children on Medicaid for the first six years of their lives, to universal, statewide paid family and medical leave, to historic increases in state funding for child care, to the creation and expansion of child tax credits that will dramatically reduce poverty.

And don’t forget to check the state-by-state early childhood landscape pages, to see the progress in your state.

Most important, though, as you explore the successes and shortfalls in the past year, pay close attention the states that are building durable and diverse coalitions for long-term wins. Advocates are showing us the real power in working together in their states.

Take a look!

The 50-state brief is a dive into the past year’s developments in state early childhood policy and advocacy. In it, you’ll see that landscapes are changing, but 2023 showed that state governments can and do act to improve child well-being.

Explore The Report