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New NWLC Analysis of Child Care Funding Cliff in States

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New NWLC Analysis of Child Care Funding Cliff in States

May 14, 2024

We are excited to share a new analysis from the National Women’s Law Center of the latest Household Pulse Survey data: Women and Families Struggle with Child Care Following the Federal Funding Cliff, But Fare Better in States with Additional State Funding for Child Care

The data suggests that the cliff is affecting families’ access to care and public dollars make a difference. Following the last federal child care funding cliff, in states that stepped up with their own dollars, the share of women not able to work for pay due to child care has decreased, but in states that did not, more parents with young children reported lacking child care.

See more details on our analysis in the press release below. We would appreciate your help in amplifying NWLC’s research and message.

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Axios: Exclusive: More parents lack child care after federal funding “cliff”


CNN:More families struggle to find child care after federal support dried up


Inc:Why Now Is the Time for Businesses to Improve Childcare