Child Trends regularly releases “Research Highlights’ specifically for policy audiences. These research highlights are developed by the Child Care and Early Education Policy and Research Analysis (CCEEPRA) Research Translation project that is funded by the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) in the Administration for Children and Families.
In case you missed some of the briefs in the past year, we have highlighted a few below. Feel free to contact me if you have questions or if you would like to connect with any of the authors. Thank you.
Research Highlights:
- Video: Family Voices on Accessing Child Care and Early Education (2024)
- Workforce Benefits: Health Insurance Coverage of the Center-Based Child Care and Early Education Workforce: Findings from the 2019 National Survey of Early Care and Education (December 2023)
- Nontraditional Hours Care. Understanding families’ access to nontraditional hour child care and early education (September 2023)
- COVID Closures. Understanding child care and early education program closures and enrollment during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic (August 2023)
- Coordinated Services. Approaches to coordinating services for young children and families (August 2023)
- Subsidy Stability. Research on the stability of child care subsidies for children and families (August 2023)
- PD Framework. A framework for reviewing professional development strategies in child care and early education (August 2023)
- Evidence Summary. Children’s learning and development benefits from high-quality early care and education: A summary of the evidence (August 2023)
Top Report OPRE Report Accessed in 2023:
- Trauma Informed Care. Considerations for Trauma-Informed Child Care and Early Education Systems
You can find other research highlights series on Research Connections’ website:
They are looking for topic ideas to inform what is developed next. Click here to learn more and submit your ideas: