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First Fire Years Fund Releases New Poll of Child Care and the 2024 Election

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First Fire Years Fund Releases New Poll of Child Care and the 2024 Election

May 16, 2024

Joseph O’Hern, Coalition & Campaign Manager, First Five Years Fund writes:

First Five Years Fund is out with a brand-new poll this morning showing that, in this election year, voters not only want Congress to do more to address child care challenges today, they also want future lawmakers to have a plan for addressing these challenges tomorrow.

The poll, which was conducted by the bipartisan research team of New Bridge Strategies (R) and Hart Research (D) also found that:

  • A vast majority of voters want candidates to have a plan around child care, including 89% of all voters; 80% of Republicans; 88% of Independents, 93% of Democrats. 
  • Voters say affordable child care is “essential/very important” to the economy: 68% all voters; 53% Republicans; 64% Independents; 84% Democrats
  • Voters strongly support increased federal funding to the states so they can expand child care programs and options (i.e. CCDBG), including: 75% of Trump voters and 94% of Biden voters. 
  • And they overwhelmingly support efforts to modernize the federal child care tax credit (i.e. CDCTC) to help ease the burden of child care costs for families, including: 76% all voters; 62% Republicans; 74% Independents; and 92% Democrats.

If you are interested in learning more or learning about some of the message testing we conducted, please feel free to reach out. A link to the full polling deck can be found on the website.